“Vlasta is reproaching to me that I
am a dreamer. It means that I do not see thing the way they are. No, I
disagree, I do see things the way they are but except for seeing the visible
things I also see the invisible ones. Imagined ideas are not something useless.
There are precisely these that turn our houses into homes”
- Milan Kundera, The
And there are precisely our dreams that turn our
planet into a wonderful endless universe to explore and awaiting to be
discovered, into that void of endless beauty and marvels surprising us at every
step. Whether we take a walk in our surrounding neighborhood or catch the plane
to go and check on some interesting sites on the other side of the planet, our
dreamy eyes turn the space into a place – our place, our home, our universe of
wonders and amazement!
Allow me, please, to tell you what I am dreaming
about… I dream about a world where we all walk freely, srns the world into our neighborhood and our neighborhood into
a whole world infused with life and wonderful surprises. It would all be so
lonely if not reaching out for one another! And it would all be so boring to
explore it for ourselves!
I dream about living in a world where people have
differences, as differences bring that diversity that makes us wonder even
more, triggering thirst for knowledge. But I equally dream about a world of dialogue,
as through dialogue we reach for one another, share and, so, find out even more
about the world we live in, building a marvelous world of knowledge.
In this imaginary world of mine, people love to debate (using as many arguments as one can and always come up with findings
that encompass all sides and facets, turning shadow into light and grey to
green or brightest colorful way of living, as some of the most hidden secrets
in life reside in all these paradoxes … for instance, I had this revelation
while visiting what they call The Grey City. While lodged at Travelodge hotel in Aberdeen, lying on my bed, looking at the ceiling, I reflected at
the marvelous day I had just had in this wonderful place that you might think
it is gray and boring, if judging from its nickname. Not at all! Amazing
gardens of a greener than green, many lively parks; as for the granite
buildings, these are all works of art and wonders of architecture and style!
After all, Mies van der Rohe had a point when stating that 'God is in the
detail', as details make the difference that brings the many shades and twists
of living, pimping it up at every step!
And so, I keep on dreaming, enjoying my dream-life
experience, as this is precisely what gives me hope and keeps me on going! I
dream of seeing people caring daily about each other and about the dreams they
drive them through. I dream of the world where all of us people want to achieve
exactly what they dream of, in the pursuit of happiness that is inscribed into
the mere act of living. What would be of the world today if, for instance,
electricity had not been just another dream that so many worked for and for
turning it into a palpable reality, so that the whole world and generations to
come could live in light and comfort! A dream changed the perspective of time,
as it brought daylight into the night and it shed light on many matters that
would have stayed in darkness otherwise. A dream turned into facts brought the
whole world together! As, due to an electrical dream, railways were built and a
whole network changed the perspective upon space. It all got closer, we all got
friendlier, eager to share and dream together! Now we have airplanes, and, as
the title of the song states it, “we'll always be together in electrical
A dream came true is a joy for the whole world and
only a dream came true brings change. As for the dreamer, his joy is to share,
as fulfillment and satisfaction are being acquired only by sharing dreams,
hopes and nice feelings. Cheers!